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Valleyfield Woods (2 miles)


This woodland walk explores part of the Valleyfield Estate, once owned by Sir Robert Preston (known locally as Floating Bob), who established the nearby Preston Island in the River Forth for integrated coal and salt output - an engineering marvel of its time. You can read more about the man and his grand estate here. Valleyfield is the only Scottish example of a project by the famous landscape designer Humphry Repton.

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One entrance to Valleyfield Woods can be found at the western edge of Newmills on the B9037. A map shows the various paths and historical sights of interest. We follow the course of the Bluther Burn and pass under the A985 which is carried high overhead by a concrete viaduct. The burn is crossed twice then we need to turn right at a path junction. Cross the water again and head uphill before passing through a stone gateway into the walled garden which is still an impressive sight, despite having been abandoned for many decades.



Walk through the garden, passing out at the other end then through an arched stone gateway that has been left intact. Head towards the car park but sweep down to the left instead of exiting the woodland. You meet the Bluther Burn again. Don't cross the bridge but take the path alongside the stream. The flower garden is now above you to the left. Look across the burn and you can see the black hole of the old ice house entrance on the opposite slope. Continue back over the water and return to the other end of the woods.

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