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Townhill Loch circuit (1.8 miles)


Townhill Country park lies just north of Dunfermline in the village of the same name. It is home to the Scottish Water-ski Centre and there is a lovely little café with a terrace overlooking the loch. The basic trail around the water is one mile but this walk adds an additional section. A map of the surrounding paths is available here.


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From the car-park, follow the loch path in a clockwise direction until the wooden footbridge. Cross over then follow the tarmac route bearing away to the left. This brings you to the edge of the neighbouring village of Wellwood at which point head up to the right on a track signed Bridle Path.


This links to a well-surfaced route which double backs along the north shore of the loch but at a higher elevation. We are actually walking the trackbed of the West Fife Mineral Railway - a network of local coal lines with this spur clinging on until 1976. If you look to your right you will see rails rusting away in the undergrowth which served a power station.


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Continue along the Bridle Path (I actually did meet a horse). There is a curious mixture of tweeting birds and the constant hum from the electrical transforming equipment on the old power station site. Don't go as far as the main road but take a sharp right at a path junction, signed Town Loch. You are now walking on a high railway embankment with nice views across the water. Take the exit from this path back down to the loch and return to the car park and café.

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