Milnathort loop (4 miles)
One half of this walk takes place on the trackbed of the old railway from Fife to Perth - controversially closed in 1970. Start at Auld Mart Road which is just off the A922 leading from Kinross into Milnathort. Look for the remains of Milnathort Station (closed 1964) behind a modern office block. The wooden platforms are intact.
Continue along Auld Mart Road and take the footpath branching off to the right. We are now on the trackbed and we pass a golf course before heading into open farmland. Bishop Hill is a prominent landmark. Follow the route over the A911 and eventually the path bends sharply to the left. The railway carried straight on here but we instead hook up with a farm road after 400 yards. Turn left and walk up to the B996. Another left allows us to follow the pavement back to Milnathort. At the roundabout in the town centre, heading right up Wester Loan brings us to the Village Inn, where a log fire and three ales await.