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Shaw Hill (1.8 miles)


Start in the village of Newmills which adjoins Torryburn on the West Fife coast. Enter the old Torrie Estate by way of an ivy-covered stone gateway. Follow the access track up and over the mound, passing the grand gates of Torrie House to your right. On the other side, a tiny pond is situated in a field. Officially it's known as Loch Roy. Descend towards the A985 and you meet the track coming from the rear of the house. Look right and you will see the remains of an ice house in the undergrowth above a low wall. Cross the busy main road with extreme care (visibility is good) and head for the opening directly opposite.



As this farm track bends to the left, a narrow footpath leads away up the hump of Shaw Hill. Before ascending, follow the road for a short distance and bear left into an old walled garden, which would have belonged to the state in the days before the trunk road was built. It's an impressively large compound. Back to Shaw Hill for a short but steep slog to the top. There are a few fallen tree trunks to sit on but the view is severely restricted due to the surrounding vegetation. Rumour has it that black squirrels inhabit these parts. Let me know if you get lucky! Return to Newmills by the reverse route. 

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