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Thornton to Kinglassie (4 miles)


The Lochty Burn passes the northern fringe of Thornton and you can pick up a gravel path at the end of Main Street. For two and a half miles, you hang left at every junction and parallel the course of the stream. The walk skirts Stenton Pond and another smaller pool, further on. 




The burn path runs out at a surfaced access road. You may wish to turn back to Thornton at this point. Should you complete the final mile and a half to Kinglassie, bear in mind that two bus trips (via Glenrothes) are required to reach the starting point. Of course, you could also walk the full four miles in the reverse direction. If proceeding, head uphill via the road or take the adjacent woodland path. Both emerge on the B921, which is dual carriageway. Wide verges are available and a footpath shortly begins on the opposite side. Cross with care, via the central grassy strip. The broad cycle path leads into Kinglassie. 


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