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Kirkcaldy to Cluny (5.5 miles)


This walk begins at the Asda supermarket car-park in Kirkcaldy. Locate the tarred footpath on Carberry Road, opposite the Bank of Scotland building. This route continues all the way to the A92 dual carriageway. Cross the footbridge and maintain a straight course on the other side. A pleasant stretch ensues, running between the fields and the traffic noise soon fades. Ignore all side junctions. 



The River Ore is one mile away from the main road. Do not cross the bridge. Simply follow the grassy trail along the bank. Again, ignore the couple of path junctions you encounter and stick to the course of the water. Eventually the route bends away from the river and you skirt the perimeter fencing of a bonded warehouse. The path emerges on the B922. Turn left towards the retail park on the western edge of Kirkcaldy. There are many facilities here. It's a two-mile walk back to Asda along Chapel Level but numerous bus services serve this stretch as far as Whyteman's Brae - around three quarters of the distance. 

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