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Bothkennar Pools (1.9 miles)


The Stirlingshire town of Grangemouth is home to Scotland's only oil refinery. Bothkennar Pools are located on the fringe of this industrial leviathan. Formed by subsidence due to historic mine workings, the ponds teem with birds all year round. Approaching Grangemouth on the A905 from the neighbouring village of Skinflats, turn left on to a single track road just before the bridge over the River Carron. After 250 yards there is a little lay-by next to a metal gate. There is space for two or three cars to squeeze in here. Should it be full, you can try your luck 400 yards further on where another track meets the minor road. This is a circular walk and both suggested parking places are on the loop. 




From the first lay-by, pass through the gate and proceed along the well-surfaced path. Look for a turn to the left after three quarters of a mile. It is signed as a public right of way. This route takes you though a strip of woodland to the first of the pools. An information board explains how they were formed and - interestingly - one is saline and the other contains fresh water. Keep straight on for the second pond where a small viewing screen is available. Note how the birds quietly go about their business despite the monolithic industrial backdrop. A grassy farm track leads back towards the unclassified road where you began. This way can be muddy and you may wish to simply retrace your steps.


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