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Torwood Treasure Trove (5.5 miles)


The tiny village of Torwood lies just off the A9 near Larbert. You can park on Glen Road to begin this tour or you can walk up from the Forth Valley Hospital, which is served by express bus routes and has a restaurant and coffee shop. The walk distance of 5.5 miles is measured from the hospital. From Glen Road, look for a farm track signed as a public right of way to Denovan. This leads directly to the castle. If you are walking up from the hospital, you may spot a woodland path with a signpost saying Torwood Castle. This route joins the aforementioned dirt track.




The castle is in a partially ruined state but cuts an imposing figure on the landscape. After viewing the structure, backtrack slightly to a path junction and take the forestry track leading right as you face the castle. After a short distance, we encounter a crossroads, with a sign indicating Tappoch Broch to the right. We will return to this later. Instead, go through the gate on the left which gives access to a narrow path on the edge of a wood. This route is signed as a public right of way to Denny.


What doesn't appear on any sign is a reference to the mysterious Torwood Blue Pool. It can be found by heading down the woodland track for around half a mile until you reach an obvious break in the trees where electricity pylons stand. There is a gap in the stone wall. Go through this and proceed for a short distance until you meet the shimmering pool on your right. Apparently it's an old ventilation shaft for a mine. Worth seeking out just because it's so unusual.


The third point of interest is Tappoch Broch. Dating from the iron age, such structures are normally found much further north. The outline of the broch is easily discernible and a doorway and interior staircase can be spotted. The path to the broch is marked by wooden poles.


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